Saturday, December 27, 2008

Winter in Dimapur, Nagaland
A NAGA in one of the tribal warrior regalia

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


If the name of the blog gives you the impression that I am a professional photographer, I apologize. I am in fact just a rank amateur and have no classy photo shoots to my name. My gear also only consists of a basic Nikon D40 and the basic lens( at least until I can upgrade). Yet, despite all these disadvantages I am undeniably a fan of the art of photography and look at it from a more philosophical point of view.

The person I aspire to emulate is Henri Cartier Bresson, the founder of MAGNUM photography agency. His style is decidedly journalistic and aims for honesty rather than style, though oddly enough some of his photographs have more style than deliberately stylized photos. I agree with his concept of the 'definitive moment' and wish to capture such moments with my mind and my tool.

I aim to present my own view of my world and beg for leniency, but not condescension. I welcome all criticism and hope to learn more than I can teach. In simple terms I ask for honesty.